The Sacraments Healing
The Eucharistic Ministry was set up in the early 1980’s when lay people were encouraged to distribute the Eucharist. Following training, Ministers were then commissioned.
What a great privilege it is for us to be able to bring the Body and Blood of Christ to our brothers and sisters both in the church setting and to those who are unable to attend. With this privilege we are charged with the utmost duty of respect, devotion and dedication of not only the service, but of what we are receiving and bringing to others.
‘When the Church celebrates the memorial of the Lord it affirms by the very rite itself its faith in Christ and its adoration of Him, Christ present in the sacrifice and given as food to those who share the Eucharistic table. For this reason it is a matter of great concern to the Church that the Eucharist be celebrated and shared with the greatest dignity and fruitfulness…The Church’s prescriptions and the evidence of the Fathers make it abundantly clear that the greatest reverence was shown the Blessed Sacrament, and that people acted with the greatest prudence. Thus, “let nobody… eat that flesh without first adoring it.” As a person takes the Blessed Sacrament he is warned: “…receive it: be careful lest you lose any of it.” “For it is the Body of Christ.” (Memoriale Domini 1969-Instruction on the Manner of Distributing Holy Communion.)
Housebound & Sacrament of the Sick
If you or any member of your family is unable to come to Church due to sickness or old age, please contact the Parish Office (831 6016) and arrangements can be made to bring Holy Communion to them.
Contact Details
If you are interested and wish to get involved please contact the Parish Office (01) 831 6016.
Preparation for First Holy Communion is coordinated with the local primary schools. The Church in the parish seeks to encourage children to develop a fuller union with Christ and greater familiarity with the Holy Spirit. Children are made aware that they are becoming full members of the local parish community and are united with the many other followers of Christ throughout the world.
While the home is the primary learning place, each parent/guardian will be asked to take on a special role over the next few months, to journey with your child as they prepare to receive the sacraments, as there is only so much that can be taught in school. Our teachers do a wonderful job in preparing the children the children for their special, but ‘home is where the heart is’. And the home is the domestic church, where our children are influenced by what they see and learn.
Eucharistic Adoration
Mission Statement
To Adore Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament: To pray for the welfare of our families, parish and the Church.
Make Time for Adoration before the Blessed Sacrament
Make it a special occasion or a reunion perhaps? You are all invited if only to say “Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven” over and over or “My Jesus, My God and My all”, you not be wasting your time. For the will of God is love.
It is out of love you ask Him for it and when the sum of all the love on earth is greater than the sum of hate then that will be a step forward. So make an effort by stopping by for the Exposition on Friday’s or any day and invite Jesus into your heart.
Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament take place every Friday after the 10.00am Mass until 12 noon
There is anointing of the infirm a number of times during the year, please see the newsletter for details.