Finance Committee
Subject to the limits set by the Archbishop, the Parish Priest is responsible for all the temporal goods of the Parish. The Parish Finance Committee is an advisory body to help the Parish Priest in the sound administration of the temporal goods of the Parish.
The Committee assists the Parish Priest by clarifying the issues and making recommendations, so that he is fully aware of all aspects of parish finances when making any particular decision.
The Parish Finance Committee assists the Parish Priest by advising:
- on the acquisition, protection and sale of property and investments, without prejudice to the provisions of current diocesan guidelines
- on the preparation and updating of adequate records of parish finances
- on the preparation and updating of adequate records of parish finances
- on the compilation of an up-to-date and comprehensive inventory of all parochial property and equipment
- on the preparation and monitoring of estimates of parish income and expenditure
- on the preparation of the annual statement of accounts for presentation to the parish and the Archbishop
- on the maintenance, repair and upkeep of parish property
- on setting the target policy and general approach to fundraising
- on safeguarding the ownership of ecclesiastical goods and properties in accordance with civil law
- on safeguarding the ownership of ecclesiastical goods and properties in accordance with civil law
- on the adequate security and insurance of all parish property and goods
Family Offering – Planned Giving Envelopes
The main source of funding for the upkeep of the church is through the Family Offering.
The Family Offering or Envelopes Collection is in place to meet the demands for the coming year and beyond. There are several ways you can make a contribution – weekly envelope collection – a special envelope for once off or for monthly, quarterly or half-yearly or Direct Debit. An application form is available for either method to contribute the parish.
Click for a Family Offering Application Form
A Direct Debit system is now in place for the parish and Applications Forms for Direct Debit payments can be downloaded or will be available from the Parish Office. Anyone wishing avail of this service can contact the Parish Secretary for details or download an application form and return it to Parish Secretary, Donnycarney Church, Malahide Rd. Dublin 5.
Click for a Direct Debit Application Form
As most are aware any donation of €250 or more per annum, the parish can recover a tax refund on the monies donated.