Church Masses / Services
- Weekdays - 10am
- Saturday Vigil - 6.30pm
- Saturday Morning - 10am
- Sunday - 9.00am (Bilingual - English & Irish)
- Sunday - 10.30am (Family Mass)
- Sunday - 12 Noon
- Sunday - 13:00 (Ukrainian, Byzantine Rite)
- Holy Days - 10am only
St. Patrick's Day - Vigil Mass 6.30 p.m.
Masses on St Patrick's Day 9 a.m. 10.30 a.m. 12 Noon,
1p.m. Ukrainian Mass
- Confessions - Saturdays after the 10:00am Mass anytime on request
- Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament - Every Friday from 10.30am - 12noon. {Unless a funeral is occurring}.
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Our Lady of Consolation, Donnycarney Church
The parish of Donnycarney, constituted in 1952 from the parish of Marino, is situated about five kilometres (three miles) from the city centre and is near the junction of Malahide Road and Collins Avenue.
Welcome to our Parish Website. We hope you enjoy perusing the Site, and especially reading about our proud history. Our Parish continues to benefit from the hard work and dedication of those who have gone before us. Today we aim to be a community of faith who are nourished daily by the Bread of Life, and who strive to recognise Christ in all those who we meet. We are blessed to have a lot of volunteers who give of their time and talents daily. If you wouid like to become involved- you would most welcome, and please get in touch with us.
‘Glory be to him whose power, working in us, can do infinitely more than we can ask or imagine; glory be to him from generation to generation in the Church and in Christ Jesus forever and ever’. (Eph 3: 14-21).
Church Sacraments

Sacrament Support
Celebrating the sacraments is at the core of our parish life. There are many groups that give support

Holy Orders
Archbishop Martin tells us as Baptised Christians we all share in the Priesthood of Christ and we are